Spotlight Features

It's the time of year when I'm fortunate enough to evaluate new tech products that I believe merit attention. Keep in mind that my comments are not intended as deep-dive reviews but as initial impressions to spur you to do further investigation and research

As a fledgling female entrepreneur and product developer, Alice Min Soo Chun faced more obstacles in starting her business than she can recount. Her passion for doing good and helping those afflicted by natural disasters kept her working on her goals


An EV Charger Installation Odyssey

For the last year, I've contemplated installing an EV charger in my multi-dwelling condo. Mind you; I don't yet have an EV. But I have friends with EVs who frequently visit, so I figured it could be beneficial and convenient for others.

The innovative Phononic EV might be driving a new solution to deliver groceries efficiently and sustainably and, at the same time, rival Amazon’s planned aerial grocery delivery drone package delivery system

Advances in technology are spreading through law enforcement centers nationwide to help police departments better solve crimes and protect public safety. We scoped out the broader view of how law enforcement is using technology for the common good.

As consumers continue to explore virtual shopping in the metaverse, two companies forge the path for shoppers with platforms that make e-commerce more inviting by bringing 3D virtual showrooms and virtual try on rooms to reality

The Handwrytten app is part of an automated CRM tool that lets businesses — and individuals with an entrepreneurial passion — integrate computerized automation with personalized handwritten notes to customers. The result is a novel approach to updating one of marketing’s best-known strategies ...

Keeping safe in cyberspace is increasingly difficult as crooks try to exploit uninformed users every chance they get. Add to that, virus and malware threats are never-ending. Here are five things in your control to help keep your digital activity safe

Svaha USA is an STEAM-themed clothing and accessories brand whose online store is changing the face of women’s and children’s apparel. Svaha celebrates women in all fields of endeavor and confronts gender stereotypes with bright, fun clothes to allow kids’ imaginations to soar


B2B Funding Firms Banking on Embedded Finance

Embedded finance is on the rise in both the business and consumer payments markets. Analysts project its revenue will reach $1.91 trillion as adoption expands by 2028. This steady acceptance is opening fintech operations to a wide range of marketplace opportunities.

Got Crypto? Make sure you own and have access to it in a secure digital stronghold. Having self-custody of your crypto keys and managing your digital assets can help stave off digital bankruptcy or loss through theft

To give back to computer science education in a small way, I'd like to share my observations about determining the quality of instructional resources. Hopefully, those of you treading a similar path will learn the easy way what I learned the hard way

The state of Florida has amended its Telemarketing Act, creating what is being called the “Mini-TCPA.” Florida’s new law changes electronic and telemarketing in significant ways — even if you’re not in Florida

Online videos have cemented their place at the top of young people’s media hierarchies. However, video gaming did not increase dramatically during the pandemic. The top activities remain the same — online videos, gaming, and social media

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