Operating Systems

Microsoft is at the forefront of turning users into programmers with its efforts to place increasing AI capability into Windows, Office, and the Microsoft Store

Let's explore what makes Linux work so well that users aren't even conscious that they've opted out of the desktop operating system duopoly

Every six months or so, I re-evaluate the configuration of my home office workstation for improvements and enhancements. Admittedly, my specific requirements skew to the higher end of what the typical home office worker needs. I conduct a video podcast every week and need simultaneous and convenient...

This latest release is significant for enterprise users and consumers alike. For enterprises, it steps up deployment and customization at scale, and for consumers, it provides a desktop option missing from Ubuntu's collection -- Cinnamon

CachyOS is more than just a fun name to grab potential users' attention. It reflects an effort to do what most Arch Linux distributions fail to achieve by turning its parent base into a beginner-friendly operating system that also satisfies the needs of seasoned Linux users

Last week, I wrote about my longing for Windows users to have the same robust experience that macOS users have for accessing iMessage on their Mac devices. Intel's Unison app, now available on select Intel Evo-certified laptops from HP, Lenovo, and Acer -- and presumably more Windows laptops in the ...

How Puppy Linux Saved the Day

A work-at-home neighbor, meaning someone with no tech support handy, suffered a seriously malfunctioning computer just hours before a work project was due. Yes, it was Windows!

Linux isn't any one thing, yet it also is. Its ability to mold itself to its hardware and use case context while maintaining a consistent internal structure is what Linux is

Given the impact of persistent inflation on IT spending, Microsoft's cloud-based operating system Windows 365 may soon become much more appealing. The revenue impact of this could be devastating for traditional PC makers

Do you want to run a full Linux desktop installation on your Chromebook without giving up ChromeOS? This alteration will give you access to both complete operating systems running simultaneously so you can move between them with a keyboard shortcut


Is a Mac Your Next Windows PC?

The ability to run Windows on a Mac is one of the most unheralded stories in the PC space and deserves more attention. This convenience attribute falls into the category of "How did I live without this capability?"

Previously, you could only get Tuxedo OS pre-installed on the company's line of computers. Now anyone can try it as a separate distro, making good on its mission statement to have Linux accessible to the general public

Making Windows fully restart without having to login again after a power failure is handy. The process is fairly simple if you follow these steps

My Linux reviewing wanderlust got the best of me with the release of Linux Mint 21, as I was curious about what I might be missing. I discovered quite a few features that my current Cinnamon edition does not offer.

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